Monday 4th April was #WorldStrayAnimalsDay and in honour of the millions of stray animals around the world, we kicked off our week long Education Project called ‘Speak of the Donkey’.
Educationist, Kostas, and his assistant, Valentina, visited hundreds of pupils in Greek schools to share their knowledge and passion for animals. The pupils engaged in animal based activities, learnt about stray animals, talked about their own animals or ones they would like to have. We made cards for the children to draw and write on, specially made animal puppets, and gifted each school with a copy of our board game, Adespotakia, or ‘little strays’, creating empathy and compassion towards stray dogs!
Education is the key to the future for strays, working animals and pets. We are honoured to be inspiring and educating the next generation of animal lovers, so hopefully one day, there will be no more suffering strays in Greece.