World Animal Day 2019: “Humpy” has a message about neutering!

Today marks World Animal Day and Animal Action Greece Hellas is taking the opportunity to promote the latest version of its “Humpy” dog animation – a social message created to educate the public on the benefits of neutering.

October 4th has been established internationally as World Animal Day. However, as they celebrate the lives of those animals they care about, Animal Action Greece also calls on people in Greece to remember all the stray companion animals that live in loneliness and misery, struggling to survive the hunger, disease and other hardships that come with a life on the streets.

Although there are signs of hope, with more dogs being adopted from shelters, and more people getting their pets sterilized, we still see dogs living permanently chained; donkeys and mules carrying loads that are too heavy; farm animals raised in cages and much else that shames Greek society. There is much more that we can do to give the animals we are responsible for decent lives.
The energetic “Humpy” is here to remind us about just one thing that responsible dog owners can do to help end life on the street for thousands of dogs all over Greece – get their dog sterilized. It’s the only humane way to control stray populations. The short animation also mentions other benefits – like improved general health and calmer behavior.

Thanks to contributors to the “Humpy” project:
Frank&Fake (Creative)
Imagina (Creative)
Stathis Nikolopoulos and the Municipality of Ilioupolis (recording/narration)
Angeliki Panagiotopoulou (Narration, text and project manager)

More information on the “Humpy” campaign at or telephone 210 38 40 010


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