Have you noticed anything different about our website and social media?! We’ve got a new logo, but our mission remains the same!
In 1959, Eleanor Close arrived in Greece and was confronted by appalling animal suffering: sick and starving cats and dogs, painfully thin donkeys at the end of their working lives, and widespread mistreatment of animals. A woman of action, Eleanor immediately started working to improve the lives of animals in Greece and founded the Greek Animal Welfare Fund. On her return to Britain she devoted herself to raising awareness and fund. In recognition of her outstanding efforts, she was awarded the Victoria Medal, the RSPCA’s highest award.
More than six decades later we are still working to rescue, treat and care for vulnerable animals across Greece.
Unfortunately, Greece still has too many homeless cats and dogs, abandoned donkeys and hobbled horses.
We are committed to reaching more animals but urgently need to increase awareness of our cause, recruit additional supporters and ultimately raise more funds that will be used to rescue, treat and shelter vulnerable animals across Greece. Our new logo which we have been rolling out over the last month is a small but vital part of our renewed commitment to increasing our reach and improve our impact.
It’s bold, ambitious and hopeful which reflects us perfectly. We hope you agree!
You’ll find our new logo on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts.
Thank you for being part of this journey with us. We genuinely couldn’t do any of the work we do without your generosity .
With your continued help we’re confident we can build on everything Animal Action Greece has achieved over the last 60 years and transform the lives of even more animals.