Well – here we are again and it’s nearly Easter. I feel well and truly abandoned. I knew something was up in January when my mum started to sort out her clothes. She always hides her bags from me because she knows I get upset if she’s going away and then all the house cats get unsettled too. I don’t think the other cats even notice that she’s not here…
Anyway, this time she left in a very old, bright yellow car, with a friend. My mum said goodbye to me like she always does, told me she’d see me soon, to look after the other house cats and be good. We all went up to the road to see them off and the volunteers took photos. The trip is something about raising money for all of us here.
We were mostly on our own in the house, for a few days – but some of the helpers came in for the evenings to watch television, so we had plenty of cuddles. Then a new volunteer moved in, it’s always better to have someone with us, otherwise we have to wait for food until all the other cats have been fed – very tiresome. He was very cat-friendly and we liked him. He didn’t stay too long and then another came – we like him too, and don’t feel so hard done by.
We had a very sad bereavement though. Jenny – Cookie’s special friend; a cat that was rescued from Galissas by caring tourists, about three years ago, took sick and died suddenly. She had a few trips to the vet, but they couldn’t save her. Of course we all miss her, she was a calm cat, easy with all of us and always slept on mum’s bed, although Cookie was the only one she ever really cuddled with. I’m sure he’s missing her – she was like a mother cat to him, when he was a baby.
So, our mum was away for ages, then one day, suddenly she was back! She brought in a few things and did loads of washing, she had a cleaner with her, who wasn’t amused that we hadn’t always been too careful with the litter box and of course there’s the Hailey factor. She’s still very stressed after her incident with Olivia and although the kitten is now residing safely in another of the houses and not allowed out, Hailey keeps checking everywhere and sometimes peeing in places that she shouldn’t. It’s not fair because we all get into trouble for her bad behaviour. Now we’ve all been confined to only half the house, the carpet has gone and all the chairs are covered. We still have our cat flap, so can come in and out – but it’s been quite cold, so we prefer to be indoors.
Just when we thought we were back to normal, our mum disappeared again but not in the yellow car, this time she drove herself. And Jo, her deputy went too. They talked about doing a course at Battersea, in London. We thought the home there was just for dogs, but apparently, they rescue cats too. I feel quite jealous that they might be cuddling other cats… Jo didn’t go for long, but my mum is still not back – we think she’ll be away for another week. I’ll be pleased to get things back to normal. It’s been a long time. And I do miss her – I hope she misses me too.
So, that’s my news. Tiraa everyone until next time and Happy Easter!