Junior’s Diary – June

Well, I thought it was about time I updated you on what’s going on around Kini and at Syros Cats. I’m Junior, I like to think I’m top cat and I get to sleep on my mom’s bed every night. I make sure I’m waiting there when she comes to bed. That’s a bit of […]

A Day In the Life of Gremlin

I was always very scared. I never had friends, cat or human. I’d wait, hiding in the bushes, until everyone else had fed themselves and the humans had gone. Often there was nothing left for me and I was hungry. I must have looked a mess. I have long black fur, now it’s fluffy and […]

A Day in the Life of Rua

Hi everyone, I’m Rua. It’s a bit of a silly name for a cat, but I just got stuck with it and now I’ve got my passport and everything – Rua it will stay! I don’t remember much about my early life. But I couldn’t see like my siblings and one day I wandered off […]

A day in the life of Barney

I’ve been here for a very long time – even before it was Syros Cats when there was a butcher’s shop nextdoor. I was born in Kini and when I was about three months old, my cat mum went off to do her own thing and I started to make my way on my own. […]


I’m the only cat here at Syros Cats that has come from another island. I was born on Andros, it’s about two hours away on the ferry. When I was very small a French lady took me in, she lived in the mountains and in winter it’s very cold and wet. Us cats hate wet… […]


I’ve always had a problem with my eyes. I was rescued from Galissas at about five weeks old, I couldn’t get any food because I couldn’t see and was full of parasites. Luckily I was found by a tourist and her son from Athens, and they brought me to Syros Cats, where they cleaned my […]

Revision of EU Animal Welfare Legislation

The European Commission has held a public consultation on the revision of animal welfare legislation, as part of their wider agenda to address animal welfare as an EU citizen priority within their ‘Farm to Fork’ Strategy. This 14 week consultation closed on 21 January 2022 with the aim to collect the opinions of the general […]


They call me Coco.  It’s a bit of an insult to my beautiful dark black, brown and orange glossy fur. I go to a lot of trouble keeping it clean and smooth. I didn’t always live at Syros Cats, but I’ve always had plenty of food. I was born in Kini, my mother made a […]

A new mass sterilisation clinic in Taxiarchis

We are delighted to share the fantastic news that a very generous foundation have supported us in funding a new veterinary clinic in Taxiarchis, Evia, for mass sterilisation, vaccination and treatment of cats and dogs! Back in August, wildfires broke out in Greece following an unprecedented heatwave, with the island of Evia being one of the […]


I really like a good fight. It’s such fun creeping up on the other cats when they’re sleeping, waiting for them to wake up and nearly jumping out of their skin when they see how close I am.