WITH SANTORINI NOW UNDER SPECIAL MEASURES, WHAT FUTURE FOR THE WORKING MULES AND DONKEYS? Alkis… hmmm, we can ALMOST see your handsome face. We know it’s the work that counts but we’re going to have to find a way to make you look up for the camera. Trouble is, we can’t use anything noisy because […]


Earlier this month we made a lightning visit to the Agia Marina Donkey Rescue in Crete for a relief-giving ‘teeth and feet’ session. Aris and Alkis brought their farriery and dentistry skills to the 24 animals Fanis and Barbara care for there. Most are long term residents but there are also 7 newer arrivals. The […]

The Animal Action Greece equine team visits pelion

THE Animal Action Greece EQUINE TEAM REACHES OUT SENSITIVELY INTO A NEW COMMUNITY The wooded slopes of Mount Pelion curve out into the Aegean in a hook-shaped peninsula on the east side of the Greek mainland. Although the pretty villages are popular with tourists, the mountain also supports a thriving logging industry, so there are […]


WHY DO THE MOST DIFFICULT CASES ALWAYS TURN UP AT THE END OF A LONG DAY? On March 14, as the country was entering lockdown, the Equine Team managed to fit in a day’s work in what for us is a new location… the area around the northern towns of Kilkis and Serres. There are […]

Animal Action Greece organises dignified retirement for two old donkeys

Animal Action Greece STEPS IN TO ORGANISE A DIGNIFIED RETIREMENT FOR A PAIR OF OLD LADIES FROM HYDRA During our outreach visits, our Equine Project team not only offers treatment to the horses, donkeys and mules (equidae) it meets, but also creates relationships with owners. So we were terribly sad to hear from the local […]

Andros Equine Programme Outreach

Between 12 and 14 November 2019, the Animal Action Greece Equine ProjectTeam was on the island of Andros to examine and care for the working equines there. On the second day of the visit, the team had to work in challenging weather conditions as it rained all day.  Nevertheless equine vet, Michalis Gaganis, and farrier, […]

Sun-shades for the working equids of Hydra!

Congratulations are in order for the Municipality of Hydra! For years now we have been working closely with HydraArk and other Animal Welfare groups, campaigning for the creation of sun-shades for the working equids by the port, as well as the placement of a water trough. We have been informed that a first step has […]

Supporting two donkey shelters in Crete!

“Don’t you just love my shiny gnashers?” This is one of the donkeys being cared for in Crete by the lovely people at Agia Marina Donkey Rescue, near Heraklion. Our Equine Team was there in May supporting two refuges that take in abandoned and abused donkeys, ponies and mules (the other is Walk With Donkeys […]


On the 24th and 25th of April 2019 our Equine Programme Team -consisted of our veterinarian Michael Gaganis and farrier Aris Vlachakis- travelled to the island of Santorini to care for the retired working equines at the SAWA shelter. Overall they treated a total of 26 animals none of which would have otherwise access to […]


No one writes to the papers about these animals and their working conditions…  Up in northern Greece, in remote mountain villages where tourists never venture, whole communities depend on forestry.  This is not the Greece of the brochure, with little whitewashed houses clustered next to a sandy bay and an azure sea.  Here, the weather […]