Ending Hobbling in Greece

Lobbying the Greek Government to stop ‘hobbling’

GAWF has been lobbying to stop the cruel practice of ‘hobbling’ (tethering the animals’ legs) in Greece. In October 2018, along with Panhellenic Animal Welfare Federation and Ippothesis, Animal Action Greece lobbied the Minister of Agricultural Development and Foods to take political and legal action. We outlined in clear, professional terms why ‘hobbling’ is in breach of existing Greek Animal welfare laws on cruelty. We are continuing to work behind the scenes with the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Foods to put pressure on the Government to take action.

Addressing Hobbling – changing behaviours for good

In addition to the above lobbying, GAWF intends to progress a 3-year project, starting in early 2020, to address hobbling. The project will focus on the serious problem of hobbling equines on one particular Greek island – Paros – in the Cyclades islands. The aim will be to minimise and hopefully to completely eradicate the cruel custom from this island with equines first, then see what can be used to stop the practice with other animals as well. This project is about changing attitudes and behaviours so that Greece becomes a nation whose people care about the quality of animals’ lives. We need to start small to find the right way to make a real and permanent difference – in Paros first, then in other places as well. We will deliver this project in accord with GAWF’s mission, to ‘use the way we care for animals to educate and inspire, encouraging changes in attitudes and every level of Greek society’.

We will update this site about the project soon – watch this space!


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