We’re proud to be working on Syros for a third consecutive year, teaming up with the fantastic We Live Together team to sterilise 40 cats every single month – a commitment that has taken us to some interesting places!

Last month, it was the small, mountainous village of Livohori, and this month it’s the orthodox church of Saint George in Hermoupolis.

Just like Livohori’s strays, who had adapted well to life in the mountains, these cats seemed totally at ease with their unusual surroundings: sunbathing in the churchyard, scampering around the cemetery, they’re even allowed inside the church to cool off, nap and eat.

This made the TNR process a little more complex, with the We Live Together having to strategically place cages around the church and work with the priest to target specific cats in need of our help. Sure enough, their efforts paid off and 40 lucky strays were trapped, neutered, and released as part of our ongoing collaboration with We Live Together.

Best of all, the local community are totally aware of Saint George’s colony of cats and are more than happy to help out: one resident, Miss Soula, feeds the cats every morning. To ensure her efforts don’t go to waste, please consider making a donation today: just £5 per month would allow us to reach another 3 cats this year – thank you.

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