We’re proud to be backing the EU for Animals petition, which calls for a dedicated EU Commissioner for Animal Welfare. Up until now, animals have fallen under the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety but a more dedicated role will surely result in higher levels of animal protection within EU legislation as well as greater accountability.
But why is this so important? It’s only through proactive, progressive attitudes and widespread awareness that animal protection across Europe will improve. A dedicated Commissioner for Animal Welfare can help lobby for the changes needed, taking the values of European citizens and reflecting these in EU legislation. After all, Europeans care about animals – so too should EU institutions.
The petition has already earned nearly 60,000 signatures but it’s not only individuals backing the #EUForAnimals campaign, with some incredible organisations behind it too including Four Paws, Eurogroup for Animals and Animals Without Borders. Best of all, of the 42 MEP’s supporting the campaign, we’re delighted that 4 of those are elected representatives from Greece!
And while the UK may no longer be a part of the EU, we suspect our UK-based supporters will nevertheless be excited to see such positive steps in the right direction. To sign, head to the #EUForAnimals petition and look out for updates in the coming months.