Let’s hear it for the volunteers that are still going out on a daily basis to care for the neighbourhood strays!

This (on the left) is Alexandros Kantzilieris, leading light of the “Ghost Dogs of Aspropyrgos” greeting an old friend.
We’ve been supporting the group for some time and we just did so so again because they urgently needed as many doses of anti-parasite treatment as they can get their hands on!
Spring has come, and with it the entirely predictable annual plague of blood-sucking ticks that infest untreated dogs, making them aneamic and vulnerable to disease. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the parasites carry and spread a bacterium – ehrlichia – that infects the dogs, attacking their white blood cells, crippling their immune system. Treatment is costly so the “Ghost Dogs” are desperate to administer a medicine that prevents the tick infestation. It comes in the form of a single dose pill called BRAVECTO.

This is why we promised the volunteers to supply them with as many doses of it as we can buy.
Thanks to our support, “Daedalus”, “Pirate” and “Leone” – and 37 more stray dogs in Aspropyrgos outside Athens – have been treated with medication supplied by us. They will all now be safe from disease-carrying ticks and fleas for about 3 months. Since springtime is the period of highest danger, this treatment can be life-saving.
Prevention means that expensive treatment to cure the disease won’t be needed, so now there are more resources available for emergencies, food, microchipping and neutering. All of that means more of these “Ghosts” can be made ready for adoption by the volunteers of Ghost Dogs of Aspropyrgos. Finding them a loving forever home is always the aim!